Hello, I am a professor at Department of Mathematics and an affliated faculty with CMDA (Computational Modeling and Data Analytics) program, Virginia Tech.
My area of research is scientific computing, applied mathematics and data-driven modeling and computation. We are interested in using modern data-driven, reduced order modeling and classical numerical analysis as tools to simulate highly complex and high dimensional multiscale phenonmena arising from science and engineering. I received my B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2003 and Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from Brown University in 2007. After a postdoctoral position at the University of Texas at Austin, I was a faculty member at Michigan State University (2011-) before the recent move to Virginia Tech.
I am currently recruiting highly motivated Ph.D. students and postdocs to work on multiple projects in scientific computing and reduced order modeling and computations. Please send me an email if you are interested.
Research Interests
Numerical analysis, scientific computing, data-driven modeling and computations.
- Numerical methods for differential equations.
- Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods.
- Dimension reduction techniques, sparse grid and low rank methods.
- Numerical methods for kinetic systems, and applications in plasma physics and semiconductor device simulations.
- Scientific machine learning.
- Numerical schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, nonlinear Maxwell equations.
More details can be found on the Research page.
Awards and News
- Chern Professor, SLMath Fall 2025 program.
- SIAM Germund Dahlquist Prize, 2023. Prize Spotlight
- Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Visiting Professor (Program for Mathematics), 2023.
- I am proud to be part of the DOE MMICC center for novel numerical methods for fusion applications, CHaRMNET - DOE funded MMICC center.
- Simons Fellow in Mathematics, 2018.
- NSF CAREER Award, 2015.
- ICES Postdoctoral Fellowship, the University of Texas at Austin, 2007-2009.
- Joukowsky Dissertation Fellowship, Brown University, 2006.
- Joukowsky Presidential Fellowship, Brown University, 2003.
Contact Information
Email: yingda at vt.edu
Department of Mathematics
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Data & Decisions Science Bldg, 410
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061